Our Story
3 Catalysts for Starting The Cambridge School
“Like you, I was looking for a place that would partner with me as a parent to help my children thrive and flourish intellectually, spiritually, relationally, physically and emotionally.”Jean Chung Kim, Founder & Head of School
In a world of many “either/or” educational choices—either academically rigorous OR spiritually robust—do you find yourself looking for a “both/and” option for your children—a place where your child can flourish and come alive mind, body AND soul?Just like you, I was looking for such a place.
Like you, I was looking for a place that would partner with me as a parent to help them thrive and flourish intellectually, spiritually, relationally, physically and emotionally.
Having attended an elite independent school and then Yale and having been an educator my entire professional life, I was a parent of young children ten years ago looking for a school with real academic strength—an education that would teach my children how to think and not just what to think and engage them in the great conversation about the permanent things such as goodness, truth, beauty. I was also looking for an education that would encourage a thoughtful, intelligent faith in my children and help them pursue excellence with humility for the sake of others. Like you, I was looking for a place that would partner with me as a parent to help them thrive and flourish intellectually, spiritually, relationally, physically and emotionally.
The historic liberal arts model of education—an education that was both classical AND Christian from inception to daily expression—captured my imagination. And by God’s grace and through the tremendous efforts of an incredibly passionate, mission-driven community of board, faculty, and parents, The Cambridge School opened its doors to 9 students in Kindergarten Prep through 1st grade in the Fall of 2006 in a few rented rooms and has added one grade each year until now.
Now in our second decade as a robust community of faith and learning in a campus we now own, and having grown from 9 students to a fully built out K-12 School, we are looking forward to graduating our first senior class in 2018. Building this school has been an exercise in patience and delayed gratification; we have built the school slowly, deliberately, and solidly so that we might reap the rich rewards of seeing our students grow to think well and live wisely. And we are thrilled indeed to see the fruits of our collective labors and God’s grace in the kinds of students we have and the community we’ve fostered.