Theater Arts
As Cicero said, “the good man, well spoken” is one of the goals of a historic liberal arts education.

Students have opportunities throughout their Cambridge experience to develop these critical skills of speaking well to noble ends. Here are a few of the highlights:

Students 1st grade through 4th grade participate in a class play each year as an integrated part of their curriculum and as a part of their regular school day. Additionally, afterschool drama options are also available for grades K-4th.
Fifth and sixth grade students have the option to perform in a Shakespeare production in an afterschool drama ensemble.
Upper School students (7th grade and up) have the option to participate in plays, musicals and one-acts as an afterschool co-curricular option.
Grammar School students have an opportunity to participate in a speech meet each year while Logic School students will have an oratory competition within House each year. Rhetoric School students have many opportunities to utilize and refine their logic and rhetoric skills not only in class on a daily basis, but also in competitive speech and debate and their capstone senior thesis project