Beyond the Classroom
House System
At The Cambridge School, we value friendly competition, authentic camaraderie, intentional mentoring, and intelligent service of God and neighbor. House is shaped and energized by these values, providing weekly opportunities for students to care for one another as they receive guidance from our trusted faculty Housemasters.

Griffin Athletics
At The Cambridge School we are committed to a Biblical Anthropology that understands as human beings we bear God’s image. We are composite beings—unions of soul and body. As such, we believe that the training our physical body is an essential component to a holistic approach to human development. In the Classical Tradition this commitment to Physical education and development was called “gymnastic.”

Theater Arts
As Cicero said, “The good man, well spoken” is one of the goals of a historic liberal arts education.
Students have opportunities throughout their Cambridge experience to develop these critical skills of speaking well to noble ends. Read more about Theater Arts, Oratory, and Debate at Cambridge.

Ministerium has been an integral part of The Cambridge School even before its founding, as it was crafted into the school crest and cast into the vision of the “portrait of the graduate”—a humble servant and an equipped steward working under God for the greater good of mankind. All Cambridge students participate in Ministerium projects throughout the school year, allowing each to experience the blessing of serving others within the community.

“You can’t manufacture a community like this; it has to be cultivated”
See Our Embodied Education In Action
We are excited to show you what this educational experience looks like. Meet our Living Curriculum teachers, interact with our vibrant students, and learn more about your family's place in this community of faith and learning.