College Counseling at The Cambridge School starts with the understanding that every student is made in imago dei – created in the image of God. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, that God has prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Eph 2:10) We have been made for the good of others and to reflect God’s glory. Our lives are in His gracious and capable hands.
Knowing this means we can approach the college admission process with the peace that passes all understanding, the joy of discovery, and knowing that living for His purposes is deeply satisfying. Having confidence that God individually cares for us and is perfectly leading and guiding our futures changes how we will handle the fear, pressure and anxiety normally associated with the college process.
The Cambridge student’s academic and spiritual preparation leads to a path of life-long flourishing. (See our Portrait of a Graduate) We view the college years as an extremely formative and important step along that path, yet balance that with knowing college is only one step along the path of the totality of a God-honoring life.
College Counseling at The Cambridge School will:

Advise each student individually through the college admissions process, being deeply invested, researching college fits that will lead to thriving – choices that honor, know & love God, serve others and pursue wisdom and virtue.
Advocate for each student by developing relationships, resources and routines needed in the college admissions process.
Partner with teachers and parents to prayerfully identify the needs, interests, aptitudes and unique goals of each student, strategizing possibilities, assisting with logistics, and informing along the way.
Our comprehensive program works personally with each 9th-12th grade student. To provide college guidance information, we hold large-group meetings with all students and parents as well as family and private appointments at each grade level.
An additional bonus that isn’t normally found among high schools is that our own college counselor, Becky Priest, is a former Financial Aid Counselor from Washington University in St. Louis, bringing another valuable dimension to our program.