Grammar School Uniform Guidelines

Field Trip Uniform

Field Trip Uniform

Griffin Gear (Spirit Day)

K-Prep - 6th Dress Uniform

K-Prep - 5th Dress Uniform

6th Dress Uniform

All students MUST purchase both regular and dress uniform components from LANDS’ END ONLY. All tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear must be selected ONLY from The Cambridge School’s approved list of uniform items. Not all items on Lands’ End are Cambridge approved.

Upper School Uniform Guidelines

Dress Uniform (House Regalia)

Dress Uniform (House Regalia)

House Pins & Ties

Upper School Standards

Upper School Standards

Spirit Wear (Griffin Gear)

Spirit Wear (Griffin Gear)

All students MUST purchase both regular and dress uniform components from LANDS’ END ONLY. All tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear must be selected ONLY from The Cambridge School’s approved list of uniform items. Not all items on Lands’ End are Cambridge approved.
*New students can pick up their house tie and pin at Meet The Teacher. New families will be billed $20 through FACTS for the cost of the ties.