At Cambridge, we proudly showcase the remarkable journeys and achievements of graduates who have emerged from the halls of our beloved institution. In this edition of Alumni Spotlight, Annalisa Lim, one of our distinguished former students, will update our community about her life post-graduation.
Dear Cambridge family,
I graduated from Cambridge in 2019 and am now a senior at Stanford, majoring in Human Biology and minoring in Earth Systems. I am particularly interested in the food system, which I sees as a key contributor to both human and planetary health, in everything from nutrition to sustainable agriculture. On campus, I am active in extracurriculars: conducting nutrition and psychology research, tutoring peers in public speaking, leading my Christian group (Christian Union), dancing with my K-pop team (XTRM), and staffing as an RA of the coolest dorm (named Narnia!).
Last summer, I visited Israeli centers of innovation to explore leading technologies in health and environment. Then, I spent a quarter abroad in Australia to study coral reefs, terrestrial ecosystems, coastal ecology, and Australian history. My individual research project was on the pollination pattern of stingless bees, which included collecting pollen from live bees! Most recently, I joined the Volunteers in Asia program in Rikuzentakata, Japan to study the town’s recovery journey after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and to better understand the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11 on sustainable cities and communities.
Post-graduation, I intend to pursue a Registered Dietitian license to counsel patients in making happy and healthy food choices. Afterwards, I am considering getting a PhD to enter the field of public health and academia. I am incredibly grateful to Cambridge for fostering a love of learning, a wonder of God’s Creation, and a joy in every opportunity.
– Annalisa